Mark Quinn
Managing Director
K-12 Public Schools
[email protected] | (215) 861-7148 | v-CardMr. Quinn joined Stifel’s Public Finance Department in as a Managing Director to expand the firm’s presence in the Mid Atlantic. Mr. Quinn’s area of focus includes major and local municipal issuers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
While at previous firms, Mr. Quinn has executed senior managed transactions for the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia School District, SEPTA and the NJ Turnpike. Further, he has completed a number of financings for distressed or challenged credits. His experience in taxable fixed income sales, as well as his experience as an underwriter on the trading desk, brings a unique perspective in helping clients structure their municipal bond issues.
Mr. Quinn graduated from Rider University with a B.S. in Finance and a MBA of Business Administration. He holds the Series 7, 53 and 63 FINRA registrations.