Trey Monroe
Managing Director
K-12 Public Schools
[email protected] | (404) 504-2763 | v-CardTrey Monroe joined Stifel in 2014 through its acquisition of Merchant Capital, L.L.C. where he served as a public finance investment banker and the firm’s primary contact for derivative advisory services from 1999-2014.
Trey’s banking expertise encompasses a wide variety issuers and credit structures, including bonds and certificates of participation for cities, counties, school systems, water and sewer authorities, municipal utilities, development authorities, and higher education institutions. This experience extends from small private debt placements under $5 million to publicly offered transactions in excess of $100 million and includes assisting numerous issuers with first-time credit ratings or credit rating upgrade strategy. Trey routinely serves as a guest speaker for associations of governmental employees and officials such as the Georgia Government Finance Officers Association, the Georgia Rural Water Association, and the Georgia School Business Officials Association.
Mr. Monroe graduated from Emory University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics.